Taken by the Billionaire 2: A BWWM Romance by Greene-Dowdell Shani

Taken by the Billionaire 2: A BWWM Romance by Greene-Dowdell Shani

Author:Greene-Dowdell, Shani [Greene-Dowdell, Shani]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Imperial Publishing House
Published: 2020-02-29T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seven


When Jake went off to work this morning, Lori and I were in the kitchen, getting some brunch. My phone rung. Smiling at the baby safely ensconced in her highchair and smearing more pureed carrots across her face and chair top than eating them, I grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter. Checking the caller ID and seeing my ex’s name on the screen brought about mixed feelings.

Amiri was returning my call finally, and though I needed to speak with him, a bigger part of me didn’t want to revisit our tumultuous past, the bad ending to our marriage, or the loss of someone I loved deeply. Being locked in a cage with a hungry grizzly was more preferable, but my future, my family’s future depended on me closing this door for good. Since our breakup, I learned that doors were either going to close on their own, or I could shut them and put a lock on them. My problem was I had been letting doors close without locking them to keep out unwanted guests.

I swiped the accept-call icon before he hung up. “Hey, Amiri.”

He exhaled long and softly into the line as if he was as thrilled about having this conversation as I was, which was not at all.

“Hey, I received a message to call you back. Is this a good time?”

“Yeah, hold on one second. Let me put my daughter down for her nap.”

His voice became gravelly with his reply, “Okay. I’ll hold on.”

“I’m back,” I said a few minutes later. Thankfully, I kept Lorianna up all morning. By the time I laid her down in her crib, she was already half asleep.

“Tess, I know why you called me up, and I’m going to take my licks, but let me start by saying I’m sorry for Marissa’s antics at your wedding and the ruckus my presence caused. I know you and Jake think I was there to cause trouble, but the truth is, I only came to stop Marissa from making a fool out of herself and ruining your day. She came over to my apartment, crying and emotional. When she was leaving, she said she was going to the Chateau to talk to you. I knew you wouldn’t want her there, and I would have never shown up to spoil your day, but I was trying to stop her. I was too late, though, because she was already running toward the building when I got there.”

A wave of heat washed over me, and suddenly, I felt flushed. If what Amiri was saying was right, I had wrongfully accused him of trying to sabotage my and Jake’s special day. “But when she came in, you came running in behind her. I thought you two came together.”

“No. She came to my house in a frenzy, saying no one loved her anymore. When she said she was about to go to the Chateau, it clicked that she was about to crash your wedding. I really followed her there to stop her from causing a scene.


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